Friday, August 19, 2011

Links of some very well explained articles about Lokpal

I found a few links about the Jan Lok Pal bill, all of them supports my views, I mean there have been way too many articles in support of Mr. Hazare and Lokpal, so just wanted to present some contrasting views too:-

This is a nice article which takes you to Mr. Hazare's past, which has shades of dictatorship in it, and how he is not as Gandhian as he claims to be. These are not my personal opinion, these are the writer's opinion but I do tend to agree to most of it. Really makes a sensible person think, "Should a person, who thinks flogging alcoholics, and cutting the hands of thieves, should be allowed a bill which screams dictatorship?"

This is a very well constructed article, written as a faq. I like this article all the more because it has light shades of sarcasm in it.

This talks about pretty much the same thing as the first article but is shorter than the first article, yet as effective. So, if you're looking for a quick read, this may be a good article for you.

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